Blazer Industries is located in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Our buildings are proudly made in the USA!

Education Complexes

School Districts have a lot of decisions to make when it comes to finding space for their students. They have to juggle the needs with funds as well as with space. This is not an easy feat. However, there are solutions utilizing modular building technology that can help.

Building Space for Our Future

School Districts have a lot of decisions to make when it comes to finding space for their students. They have to juggle the needs with funds as well as with space. This is not an easy feat. However, there are solutions utilizing modular building technology that can help.
There are various ways to provide much needed classroom space. The need for a single classroom is simple, and the modular industry has solved this need for decades. The need for multiple classrooms at once is also a scenario the modular building industry has solved although it is not as widely known to schools as portable classrooms are.
Blazer has built entire school campuses, buildings that house 12 or more classrooms under one roof, additions connected to existing schools, and complexes with a combination of buildings that house multiple classrooms under one roof, but are placed in a courtyard type setting with exterior walkways between pods.
A common misconception with the use of modular construction is that buildings are “portable” or “temporary”. That can be true if that is the intent of the structure, but modular buildings can also be permanent structures. Building codes for both modular and site-built construction are the same. Once a modular structure is placed on a foundation it is considered permanent. However, if it was decided later to remove the structure it would be much easier to remove than that of a site-built structure simply because it was designed and built in “pieces” which in turn makes it easier to dismantle. The structural integrity is not compromised because it was built utilizing the modular building method. Poor design, sub-standard materials selected and improper maintenance are the primary reasons for underperforming buildings – modular and site-built alike.
Schools very often need to solve space issues quickly, and often need to do so during the short summer break. The preliminary work and the off-site construction of the modules can be done while school is still in session which greatly reduces the disruption to the site.
Aside from classroom space, there are additional modular solutions great for schools. These include athletic field restrooms, concessions, storage buildings and more.
When looking at options for educational space, the use of modular construction is an excellent and extremely flexible solution.

Current Projects

Sage Classroom

An ongoing effort to provide the best classroom education environment for our community.

Education Complexes

The modular portion of the house was comprised of 6 modules and a variety of modular panels.

Concrete Block Building

This is not your typical modular classroom. This is a whole school campus with modular construction.

945 Olney St.
P.O. Box 489 (Mail Only)
Aumsville, Oregon 97325 USA
